Archive for February, 2015

Speaking Truth To Power: A Hallmark of Public Relations


The following post on becoming a great PR professional by Tor Constantino received wide recognition in the social world when it was first published this January in Entrepreneur. It so impressed us, we shared it on multiple platforms and it has returned to our thinking continually since then. We endorse the premise of it again here. What makes it so memorable for us is the first characteristic Constantino ascribes as a prerequisite for great public relations: a certain fearlessness and willingness to speak truth to power.

That’s been a fundamental precept of the communications advocacy we’ve represented for more than two decades. It’s what we, too, consider one of the hallmarks of the very best in PR. Too often the best-intended PR efforts get shot down when PR pros default to “weasel words” rather than explicate principled positions or fail to present opposing views when they should speak truth to power.Truth

So, with that in mind, we hope that you’ll reflect on these characteristics, aspire to them, own them, and build a flourishing career centered on these practices. In the process, we wish you much fun and many exciting times in a profession that’s worth the pursuit. Nonetheless, along the way, we hope you’ll never forget that the highest level of the PR practice is the willingness and ability to speak truth to power.

To read the article, click here. Enjoy!

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